The Green World Campaign works to reforest our planet, raise
the living standards of the rural poor, and combat global climate change.
The Earth is losing its green trees. Ethiopia, for
example, is down to 3% forest cover. After trees are cut down, the land loses
its fertility. Hunger and conflict grow. Biodiversity dwindles, and water
supplies dry up. The deserts creep forward, hastening climate change. But there
is something we can do.
We can plant trees, lots of trees. Trees heal
barren soil and increase food crops, helping people become self-sufficient. They
remove CO2 from the air, and restore the environment for
generations to come.
plant trees to restore the ecology and economy of some of the world's poorest
places. We help communities develop sustainable livelihoods, return barren soil
to fertility, nurture biodiversity, and preserve cultural values.
Will you help?
Bees and Trees
One multipurpose tree (MPT) the Green World Campaign is
planting in Ethiopia is the Calliandra. These fast growing,
multi-purpose trees increase soil fertility, prevent
landslides and erosion, have leaves that feed livestock, and
turn unproductive land into agricultural fields.
Here's the sweetest part:
honeybees adore Calliandra flower pollen, supporting honey
production that adds to family income.

It's amazing what one
seed can grow!
Our goal to plant many
millions of trees is gaining
momentum. We are working
with proven, on-the-ground
partners and affiliates in
Ethiopia, Mexico, the
Philippines, and India to
restore the ecology and
economy of some of the
world's poorest places.
We are a movement of
global citizens finding new
ways to care for our world.
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We Work
Explore a
satellite map.
See where
trees are being planted.