Lawn & Turf Grass Maintenance Tips -
Organic Fertilizer Application Info |
Most lawn and
turf grasses require only modest
levels of natural organic fertilizer for good color and sustained
growth. Too much fertilizer can cause your lawn
grow faster, resulting in more frequent mowing. Apply
organic fertilizer in late April and again in mid September.
If a third application is needed, apply in late May. Apply
only 6 to 10 oz. of natural organic fertilizer per 1000
square feet of lawn at each application. For slower,
more sustained growth, choose natural fertilizer containing
slow release nitrogen.
directly affects leaf and root growth, color, density,
stresses tolerance, etc. Nitrogen over use can limit root growth,
reduce root mass, increase incidence of
disease, increase thatch accumulation, reduce stress tolerance,
Apply nitrogen as part of a complete balanced natural
organic fertilizer that contains phosphorus, potassium,
macro nutrients and trace elements.
Leave grass
clippings where they fall. Grass clippings, left on the
lawn, decompose and return valuable nutrients to the soil.
This can result in less fertilizer, less water and less
work. Grass clippings do not contribute to thatch.
Typically, grass clippings are 80% water and decompose
quickly. Lawn thatch is the accumulation of dead roots and
stems and is most often caused by over fertilizing and/or
watering. A thatch layer that exceeds one half inch should be
Keep grass height at 2"-
Remove only 1/3 of the grass
blade in any single mowing. For example, if your lawn is
kept at 2" tall, it should not be allowed to grow higher
than 3" before it is mowed.
Mow when the grass is dry.
Keep your mower blade sharp -
dull blades can injure the plant.
When excessive growth occurs
between cuttings, raise the mower height, and gradually
lower it over a span of several cuttings. This will help
prevent shock to the plants.
Elevated Cancer In Dogs Exposed To Lawn Chemicals!
Exposure to herbicide treated lawns and gardens increases the
risk of bladder cancer by four to seven times in Scottish
Terriers, according to a study by Purdue University veterinary
researchers published in the April 15, 2004...MORE
