----- Original Message -----
From: John
To: EcoChem
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 6:55 AM
Just wanted to let you know that I think your products are fantastic...I
cant believe how healthy all my plants are. I had a dogwood tree that was
pale green and all the leaves were brown on the ends and it just would not
grow. I put your product on it and now the leaves are dark green and shiny
and it has about 5" of new growth on it already.
Also, I almost took out a rose bush this spring that was really hurting
for several years and especially after this past winter it was almost
dead......I put the FVR on it and it came back fast...it now has a ton of
new growth and blooms.
I had some sick looking house plants as well that I had for years and now
after putting the FVR on them they are all thriving.
Do you have any natural products for lawn pests...such as sod webworms?
They attack my lawn every June and July. If so please let me know.
I told my neighbors about your products and now they are going to try them
as well.
document is on file at EcoChem)
Original Message -----
To: Ecochem
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 6:30 PM
Subject: Re: EcoChem CBF-2606
I have to tell you your wonderful fungicide
saved a whole host of our cypress trees which had canker and we were told
wouldn't survive.
document is on file at EcoChem)
----- Original Message -----
From: KevinMontague
To: EcoChem
Sent: Saturday, May 03, 2008 6:05 PM
Subject: Re: EcoChem Secure Online Order
Hi Judy,
Thanks for the quick reply.
Just so you know, I use the Humic Acid Plus on my gardens. Ever since I started
treating the property with the Humic Acid, you should see how healthy many of my
plants now look, not to mention my aloe vera plants which were once very sick.
You offer a great product for the money. My plants always smile when the EcoChem
Humic Acid bottle comes out of the garden shed when my cousin whose been my
caregiver over the years goes to water the gardens.
The trace mineral content not only stopped the disease process of two plants,
which were always sick on my property, but cut back on the fungal growth on
other bushes, as their immunity was greatly boosted using your product. Thanks
again for such a lovely product. I'm looking forward to delivery of on the
current order.
Kevin F. Montague
document is on file at EcoChem)
----- Original Message -----
From: Leigha ..........
To: admin@ecochem.com
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2008 8:50 AM
Subject: Fwd: products
Dear EcoChem,
We would just like to take a moment to tell you how much we like
your sump and septic tank enzyme products. Before we started
using your products we were calling out pump companies to empty the
septic tanks and sumps regularly. Each time we did this it was
costing thousands of dollars. Now after using your products the
times we have to call a pump company is rare and we have seen a
substantial savings. We will continue to use your products for a
long time to come.
Thank you,
Captain ...........
..... County Fire Department
document is on file at EcoChem)
Algae Control in Lakes &
Lawn & Turf Care
Fungus Control
----- Original Message -----
From: Lauta T......
Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2008 8:50 AM
Subject: CB-RSG
Hello! It is once again
time for us to fertilize our pastures. We now have
about 34 acres of Tifton 9 Bahia pasture. Please let me
know the amount of CB-RSG we need...
Thank You,
document is on file at EcoChem)
----- Original Message -----
From: Laura T...........
To: admin@ecochem.com
Sent: Monday, January 15, 2007 3:51 AM
Subject: Fertilizer suggestions
Hi! I have been using CB-RSG on my pastures, and am
relatively pleased with the results. I am wondering
if I may have success with the lawn and turf
fertilizer CBLC, as it also seems to balance the PH
in the soil. Also, I have overseeded for the winter
with Rye grass...should I apply either fertilizer as
the grass does not seem to be thriving.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
document is on file at EcoChem)
----- Original Message -----
From: Laura T............
To: Admin@ecochem.com
Sent: Wednesday, September 13,
2006 11:02 AM
Subject: Volume pricing
Hello, again...we loved the results we got with the organic
fertilizer! Our pastures have stayed lush despite a drought
this summer. We would like to order another 10 Liters. Do we
still get a break on the price, shipping to South Carolina?
Thank You,
document is on file at EcoChem)