have found a total
solution for removing
Thompson's Water seal
from any wood surface.
It is a degreaser, safe
for nearly every
surface, and it
completely removed
Thompson's water seal
from my 800 sq ft deck.
It is called EC 1800 and
is sold by EcoChem. Here
is a link to their
website. http://www.ecochem.com/t_1800.html
EC1800 is completely
natural and
biodegradable and works
like a charm.
RE: How
to remove Thompson's
Water Seal from a deck
I failed to
mention that
using EC 1800 is
very easy.
Simply brush it
on, let it stand
for 20 minutes
and lightly
scrub, then
rinse with heavy
spray from a
water hose or
light pressure
wash. It does
not harm any
plants or
animals and
leaves the bare
wood ready for a
new product. You
do not have to
apply any
chemicals to
reset the ph
balance in the
wood before
applying a new
sealer. EC 1800
contains no
therefore, does
not alter the ph
of the wood.
Original docs on file