Cleans sumps and drains in oil refineries, petrochemical
plants, fire halls and more
An environmentally friendly product for use in
treating oily sumps containing hydrocarbons i.e. gasoline,
diesel, oil, grease, antifreeze and petroleum solvents, etc. EC-2155
is formulated with natural microbes, natural enhancers,
stimulants and macro and micronutrients formulated to
digest and liquefy a wide range of petroleum hydrocarbons. When used as
directed, EC-2155 can reduce costs associated with cleaning and maintenance
operations, lower disposal costs, improve odor control and
optimize BOD reduction in oily sumps in fire halls,
petrochemical plants, oil and gas refineries.
Reduces Disposal Costs
Improves Appearance
Increases Flow
Reduces Odor
Eliminates Unsightly Areas
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