Government of Alberta
Royal Tyrrell Museum
Odor emissions from this
system had resulted in complaints from the neighboring
community for a substantial period of time. In an effort
to resolve the problem, several treatment methods had
been incorporated into the system but none provided a
In June of 1999, EcoChem
evaluated the problems and treatment began in July 1999,
CBPA Anti-Pollutant Bio-Stimulant was injected up stream
from the first lift station at a rate of 3 PPM. Odor was
eliminated in three days and system functionality was
restored within two weeks. In August, 1999, the injection
rate was reduced to 2 PPM and is currently maintained at
that level. The system is continually monitored and as of
March 1, 2000, no odor had been detected and no
complaints had been recorded.
(Original document is on file at EcoChem)
Thank you for providing me
with samples of CBPA for use in our hog barn. Over a one week time
period and after three applications of CBPA the barn is
free of hog manure odor. Prior to using CBPA the ammonia
inside the barn made it difficult to breathe and it was
necessary to wear a mask when working in the barn even
with the doors open. CBPA has changed all that and we can
now carry on our work in a relatively clean environment.
There is no doubt that we
will continue to use CBPA.
Lisa Ell
Ell Hog Farm
Craigmile, Alberta
(Original document is on file at EcoChem)
---- Original Message -----
From: John
To: EcoChem
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 6:55 AM
Just wanted to let you know that I think your products are fantastic...I
cant believe how healthy all my plants are. I had a dogwood tree that was
pale green and all the leaves were brown on the ends and it just would not
grow. I put your product on it and now the leaves are dark green and shiny
and it has about 5" of new growth on it already.
Also, I almost took out a rose bush this spring that was really hurting
for several years and especially after this past winter it was almost
dead......I put the FVR on it and it came back fast...it now has a ton of
new growth and blooms.
I had some sick looking house plants as well that I had for years and now
after putting the FVR on them they are all thriving.
Do you have any natural products for lawn pests...such as sod webworms?
They attack my lawn every June and July. If so please let me know.
I told my neighbors about your products and now they are going to try them
as well.
(Original document is on file at EcoChem)
----- Original Message -----
From: KevinMontague
To: EcoChem
Sent: Saturday, May 03, 2008 6:05 PM
Subject: Re: EcoChem Secure Online Order
Hi Judy,
Thanks for the quick reply.
Just so you know, I use the Humic Acid Plus on my gardens. Ever since I started
treating the property with the Humic Acid, you should see how healthy many of my
plants now look, not to mention my aloe vera plants which were once very sick.
You offer a great product for the money. My plants always smile when the EcoChem
Humic Acid bottle comes out of the garden shed when my cousin whose been my
caregiver over the years goes to water the gardens.
The trace mineral content not only stopped the disease process of two plants,
which were always sick on my property, but cut back on the fungal growth on
other bushes, as their immunity was greatly boosted using your product. Thanks
again for such a lovely product. I'm looking forward to delivery of on the
current order.
Kevin F. Montague
(Original document is on file at EcoChem)
----- Original Message -----
From: Leigha ..........
To: admin@ecochem.com
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2008 8:50 AM
Subject: Fwd: products
Dear EcoChem,
We would just like to take a moment to tell you how much we like
your sump and septic tank enzyme products. Before we started
using your products we were calling out pump companies to empty the
septic tanks and sumps regularly. Each time we did this it was
costing thousands of dollars. Now after using your products the
times we have to call a pump company is rare and we have seen a
substantial savings. We will continue to use your products for a
long time to come.
Thank you,
Captain ...........
..... County Fire Department
(Original document is on file at EcoChem)
During the last six months
of this year, we have witnessed a marked change on the
effects of the chemicals we apply to garbage brought to
the Transfer Station. During this period we have used
CBPA exclusively to treat foul odor and other harmful
effects of garbage.
The results have been
remarkable. Soon after the application of CBPA, foul odor
is neutralized without the pungent odor usually
associated with the other chemicals. It takes anywhere
from two (2) to the (10 ) minutes after application,
depending on the quality of garbage, before CBPA goes to
work. Thereafter, no reapplication is necessary. Unlike
the other chemicals which are dissipated gradually after
application, CBPA has long-lasting and continuous
Further, the residual foul
odor usually left behind at the garbage facilities are
better neutralized by CBPA. Flies and other insects are
also better-controlled. Overall, the CBPA system seems to
be getting better as the days go by.
For this reason, we
believe in the continued use of CBPA for our garbage
treatment needs at the South Transfer Station.
For you information and
Asst. Operations Manager
Metropolitan Manila Authority
Metro manila South Transfer Station
(Original document is on file at EcoChem)
Murphy Farms
Greenville NC
This facility is a hog
finishing operation made up of 6 hog houses and a 4 acre
lagoon. The total hog population on this site is around
7,440 at any given time.
All 6 hog houses flush
into the lagoon by way of flush gully ditches. The water
used for flushing purposes is top skimmed from the lagoon
and pumped back into tanks located at the end of each hog
house. The tanks automatically flush every 6 hours
flushing approximately 22,000 gallons of lagoon water
together with the liquid and solid waste from 7,440 hogs
( approximately 60 cubic yards) into the lagoon every 24
Over a three year period
odor emissions from this facility resulted in rising
tension between citizens and operators of the facility.
Over this same period numerous complaints had been filed
with state and local authorities.
In early August, 1999
EcoChem evaluated the problems. The objective was to
demonstrate the effectiveness of CBPA Anti-Pollutant
Bio-Stimulant in eliminating or significantly reducing
odor emissions. Treatment commenced on August 14, 1999.
The hog houses were sprayed with CBPA Stock Solution
(CBPA Anti-Pollutant Bio-Stimulant mixed with water at a
rate or 1:200) applied at a rate of 1 litre of stock
solution per 40 square feet. The result, no detectable
odors and no flies present in the hog houses. In addition
the animals appeared to be less stressed.
The surface of the lagoon
was blanket sprayed with CBPA Stock Solution (CBPA
Bio-Stimulant Anti-Pollution mixed with water at a rate
of 1:100) The result, no detectable odors.
(Original document on file at EcoChem)
It's been a while, but I
can honestly say that I like both CBCT and CBPA. CBCT did help with my cotton as there is no sign of any left after
months of composting, and CBPA did help with pet poop pile odors and
miscellaneous small animal carcuses found around my property (birds,
squirrels, rabbits). I happily tell others about them both
whenever the
topics comes up. It's hard to say which one I like more.
Thanks for making such great products! And for answering so many
back in February.
DAPS - Ravenel Center
Box 342805
Clemson University
Clemson, SC 29634-2805
(Original document is on file at EcoChem)
Over the past 15 months we
have been able to reduce the amount of CBPA used for odor
control in our hog barn. When we started using CBPA we
were spraying the barn daily. We are now spraying every 5
to 7 days, depending on the number of sows in the barn.
This eliminates the odor and rids the barn of flies.
CBPA is also working well
in reducing bacteria. Before using CBPA we had to treat
the navels of the newborn pigs with antiseptic to help
ward off infections caused by bacteria on the floor etc.
A short while after we began spraying the barn with CBPA
we stopped using antiseptic. Although the number of
animals is steadily increasing, we are not experiencing
naval infections.
Lisa Ell
Ell Hog Farm
Craigmile, Alberta
(Original document is on file at EcoChem)
I visited the Chuck Stokes
Lower Field site on Aug. 16th at all six houses and
lagoon. There was no odor present at this visit. I walked
around the entire site to make this observation.
On Aug. 17th my son,
Thomas Forrest, and I revisited the site and there was
still no odor from the site.
My property is
approximately four thousand feet from this site. I have a
bicentennial farm that dates from 1797 and am 76 years
old, and have been plagued with odor for approximately
three years.
It was my understanding
that the Chuck Stokes Lower Field site had been treated
with CBPA for odor on Aug. 14, 1999.
Roy T. Forrest
Ayden, NC
(Original document is on file at EcoChem)
UN body finds Manila landfill among best
A TEAM from a United Nations body has just wound up its inspection of sanitary landfills in five developing countries in Asia, including the Philippines, finding these being operated in Manila the best among the block. Environment Undersecretary Ben Malayang III yesterday told reporters that this was disclosed to him by members of the five man team from the Economic and Social Cooperation for Asia-Pacific (Escap), now in the country.
The team has recently visited Thailand, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Brunei to evaluate the sanitary landfills being operated there. "(But) they (Escap team) found the San Mateo and Carmona landfills the best in terms of quality in their operations," Malayang said. "The landfills were the best they have seen so far." For one thing, he said, the Escap team noted the absence of foul odor in the two sanitary landfills located in Cavite* and Rizal.* Malayang stressed that the Escap team was now preparing a report of its findings.
The two sanitary landfills now take in most of the garbage generated in Metro Manila every day, as the government moves to close down the operations of Payatas dumpsite in Quezon City by next month. Indeed, President Ramos last month gave the go-signal to expand San Mateo and Carmona landfill sites by five hectares each.
Malayang said that the Department of Environment and Natural Resources has already recommended to the Presidential Task Force on Solid Waste Management that it come up with a presidential proclamation excluding 100 hectares of land from the Narikina Watershed reservation to be used for the expansion of the San Mateo landfill. Actually, he said only 50 hectares will be used to expand San Mateo landfill since the other half will be distributed to farmers participating in a DENR project in the watershed who will be displaced by this move.
Malayang assured that the expanded areas, found in the southwest part of the watershed, is a flat area and "does contribute to the function of the watershed. The expansion of the two sanitary landfills was among the measures to be taken up by the government in the next two years to solve the garbage crisis in the metropolis.
The Landfills referred to in this document are treated with CBPA Anti-Pollutant Bio-Stimulant
(Original document is on file at EcoChem)
Thank you for the samples of CBPA which you provided us for testing and evaluation at our Transfer Station. We conducted trials using CBPA from July l8, l993 to July 31, 1993 and are pleased to advise that we have found significant differences between your product and those we are using and/or have used in the past.
As you will please find from the comparative tables attached, the tests indicate the suitability of your product for use in waste management activities. Aside from having the qualities/ attributes which have made us consider using the disinfectants we are now applying, some of the definite advantages we have observed are: its capability to control the foul smell of garbage with persistency and without the need for re-application; the tolerability of the product and/or apparent safety of the applicator' using the product; and its being more economical to use.
In due course, we shall be endorsing your product to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources for their separate evaluation and concurrence to our using your product in our Waste Management activities.
Thank you for your kind assistance and support.
Very truly yours,
R.U. Uranza
Director III - Public Service Affairs
(Original document is on file at EcoChem)
(Original document is on file at EcoChem) |
Thank you for the sample
of CBPA which you provided us for testing at our cattle
operation. Our company has been in business for 6 years,
managing about 300-400 cows imported form Australia. We
utilize 3 big sewerage tanks for the management of solid
waste to control the foul odor and storage of effluents.
Our present system of sanitation is by:Washing down of previous
days effluents with a pressure washer and spreading saw dust in the
pen area.
We have found significant
difference between CBPA and our conventional method of
control. Some of the definite advantages we have observed
are: its capability to control foul smells of manure, the
apparent safety of the applicator of the product being
organic which is non-toxic to animals and humans, and
its being more economical to use.
In due time we shall be
endorsing your product to the Cattlemans
Cooperative as well as to the Cattle Feedlot Assn. For
their separate evaluation and concurrence in using your
product in their waste management activities.
Once again, thank you for
the sample that you provided.
Very truly yours,
Josel Escano
Escano Development Corp
(Original document is on file at EcoChem)
It's been 6 months since I
last saw you. My small fertilizer plant has been in
operation for over four months now. By using CBPA we were
able to reduce the offensive odor to a level satisfactory
to our neighbors as well as the city sanitary inspector.
This solved our problem of reprimands and complaints.
Another benefit is the
production of fertilizer that we use in our orchard. I am
sending a kilo of sample with this letter. We are
currently producing one ton per day.
One observation with hog
manure is that it takes more than 30 days to attain the
texture of chicken manure. As you know, I also make
fertilizer from chicken manure.
This is all for now. I
hope to hear from you. Best Regards.
Sincerely yours
(Original document is on file at EcoChem)
CBPA was very effective in
removing foul odor being emitted during dumping,
spreading, leveling and compacting of the solid wastes at
the dumpsite. The control of flies and other insects was
effectively obtained using CBPA. Furthermore, it has been
observed that the decomposition of the biodegradable
components of the solid wastes is very significant.
Cesar G, Ramirez
Executive Director
Office of the Mayor
Task Force Operation Clean and Green
(Original document is on file at EcoChem)
CBPA has been used at the Citys open dumpsite for
about five (5) years and has greatly help the department
to maintain the dumping area, a sanitized and no-foul
odor area. CBPA has been very effective in the
decomposition of bio-degradable garbage and the removal
of foul-odor being emitted during leveling and compacting
of the dumpsite.
City of Cavite
General Services Department
(Original document is on file at EcoChem)
----- Original
Message -----
From: Shana
Wednesday, March 16, 2005 5:35 PM
I thought I ought
to tell you how pleased I am with CPBA. I run a horse boarding
stable with between 45 and 50 head. Needless to say, we have
manure. We are also surrounded by large expensive homes and a Wal-mart
across the street. Since I have been using this product, the odor
from my place is under control. When we clean the corrals out, it
can get very unpleasant, but when I spray each load with CPBA it
stops the odor in seconds. The compost piles work much faster and
stay hot, our fly problems are much easier to keep under control.
Thanks for saving my business.
Shauna H., Lindon, Ut
(Original document is on file at EcoChem)
Thank you for the sample
of the CBPA which you provided us for testing at our
poultry farm.
When we first started with
only 1,000 head population in 1982, we were not bothered
of chicken dung odor and presence of flies. But when we
increased chicks population to 22,500 heads in 1994 we
encountered a lot of environmental problems. The most
serious problem that we have experienced was when our
neighboring community started complaining of the foul
odor and flies after harvest. Their complaints reached to
the sanitary health office we were advised to remedy the
situation, otherwise our business permit will not be
renewed. Upon presenting our problem with one of our
friends at the DENR office, he advised us to use snips
granules which was very effective in killing flies, but
the foul odor of the chicken dung still persist.
For several months we
continued raising broiler chicks with persisting problems
of foul odor and presence of ants, ticks & mites all
around the poultry surroundings.
When you introduced to me
the anti-pollutant product, CBPA we tried applying it in
our farm I & farm II. A week of continuos application
in our four (4) poultry houses we have noticed great
changes. The presence of flies, ants & mites were
greatly minimized and the foul odor of the chicken dung
is no longer annoying.
Thank you very much for
the sample that you have provided us. This would
ultimately solve our environmental problem and most
especially our problem with our neighbouring community
who have been complaining of foul odor and presence of
flies after harvest.
Truly Yours
Dionisio R Ababat
Ababat Poultry Farm
(Original document is on file at EcoChem)