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Algae Growth, Algae Control In Ponds , Lakes, lagoons, WWTP,s

pond algae, blue green algae
Algae Eliminator

 How to control Green Algae, Blue Green Algae,  Pond Scum In Ponds, Lakes, Waste Water Treatment Plants & Lagoons

Excessive algae growth is an indicator that a pond is out of balance. Typically, algae blooms are caused by an oxygen deficient water column, excessive nutrients loads i.e. nitrogen and phosphorous runoff from lawns, agricultural land, septic systems etc., biodegradable materials i.e. dead leaves and plant material, fecal matter from fish, frogs, birds and other aquatic life and sunlight. Ponds with low oxygen levels and high bottom sludge accumulations tend to become anaerobic. Under this condition, oxygen levels can be further depleted due to the amount of oxygen required to degrade bottom sludge and, as a result, ponds become stagnant and odorous and algae blooms worsen.

Controlling algae by reducing sunlight, limiting nutrient leaching into the water column and manually removing sludge buildup can be labor intensive. In the alternative, EC-504 Pond cleaner can be used to effectively degrade bottom sludge and reduce the nutrients required for algae growth.

EC-504 natural pond cleaner is formulated for use in controlling pond scum, algae and odor that commonly plague lakes and ponds. It works in the entire water column, as well as bottom sludge layers to degrade organic waste and other nutrients that promote algae growth. In addition, it is eco friendly and is not harmful to aquatic life, humans, plants and animals and is relatively easy to use. Simply apply at regular intervals or as required during the algae season. EC-504 is NOT an algaecide and no applicator’s permit or license is required.

Degrades existing algae and prevents new growth.
Degrades sludge.
Clarifies lake or pond water.
Eliminates ammonia and organic odors.
Enhances uptake of nutrients by grasses.
Improves the aquatic environment for fish and wildlife.
Reduces ammonia salts and other contaminants.
Eco friendly and safe for aquatic life, animals and humans.

Form: Free-flowing granular powder
Color: Brown
Nutrient Content: Biological nutrients & stimulants
Plate Count: 5 x 10
pH: 6.5 – 7.5 (re-hydrated state)
Bulk Density: 0.6 - 0.8 gr/cc
Water Solubility: Moderate - disperses in water
Flash Point: N/A  
Sensitive to static discharge:   Not sensitive
Stability: Max loss 1 log/yr 


 Algacide No Yes Yes
 Controls Odor Yes No No
 Removes Sludge Yes No No
 Benefits Turf Yes No No
 Eco Friendly Yes No No
 Permits Required No Yes Yes
 All Natural Yes No No

When EC-504 is applied to the water phase, algae blooms are controlled through competition. EC-504 remove nitrogen compounds from the water column faster than the algae and, as a result, the algae are starved out of existence or bloom is inhibited. In addition, EC-504 degrades accumulated organic waste, top scum and bottom sludge for use as carbon sources. The overall result is clean, clear water, free from algae, odors and sludge. EC-504 is designed to treat the cause, not the effect.


What is  filamentous algae?
Typically, filamentous algae grows on the bottom of shallow ponds and on rocks and aquatic plants. Sometimes, filamentous algae floats to the surface forming large mats. There are numerous species of filamentous algae and, in some ponds, several species can be present at the same time.

What stimulates algae growth?
Factors that directly affect algal growth include Low oxygen levels in the water column, available forms of nitrogen and phosphorus, sunlight, and temperature.

What level of phosphorus does it take to stimulate algae growth?
Depending on geographical location, environmental conditions, water column characteristics, etc., surface water concentrations ranging from 4 - 20 ug/L can trigger an algae bloom.

How do algae affect DO (dissolved oxygen) levels in the water column?
Periodic Oxygen depletion, resulting from algae respiration and decomposition, can occur during algae blooms.

During the day algae take up carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the water column through photosynthesis. This can cause DO levels to increase. During the night, algae take up oxygen and release carbon dioxide into the water column.This can cause DO levels to decrease. Algae, suspended below the surface, cannot photosynthesize and, as a result, they decompose. The decomposition process consumes dissolved oxygen, and, as a result, DO levels in the water column can decrease.

Will EC-504 harm turf?
No, EC-504 also improves the water quality of irrigation ponds by breaking down ammonia salts and other contaminants before they reach the turf. EC-504 enhance turf health. The microbes used in EC-504 are natural soil and water bacteria that are an essential part of the mechanism for the efficient transport of nutrients from the soil into the turf roots.

Is EC-504 Algae control safe for fish?
Yes. By removing ammonia and nitrite from the water, EC-504 enhances the aquatic environment for fish and other wildlife.

What is thermal Stratification?
Typically, when pond water is warm and in full sun, oxygen is consumed faster than is replenished. This can result in thermal stratification in the water column. That is to say, the warmer, oxygen rich upper layers of water are suspended on top of the cooler oxygen deficient lower layers. When this occurs, conditions within the pond environment change.

a) Beneficial aerobic bacteria become inactive and anaerobic bacteria take over.

b) The rate, at which the biodegradable components) in the bottom sludge layer is degraded, is significantly reduced.

c) Sludge accumulation increases.

d) Nutrient levels, in the bottom sludge layer begin to climb resulting in algae bloom, excessive scum accumulations and plant growth and higher ammonia and hydrogen sulfide levels.

e) Biological oxygen demand increases and dissolved oxygen levels decrease.

Will EC-504 Algae Control work within the pond bottom and sludge layer?
Yes. EC-504 provides the correct biomass for the entire pond, including the sludge layer. The sludge layer can be the largest contributor of nutrients to the pond for two reasons. (1) As organic matter, i.e. leaves, grass clippings, fecal matter from fish, frogs, birds, etc., degrades on the pond bottom, it releases nitrogen and phosphorus (2) The bacterial populations in the sludge layer can be damaged by herbicides, algaecides and pesticides flushed into the pond during rainstorms. EC-504 will repopulate the sludge layer and degrade nitrogen and phosphorous. This not only reduces the sludge layer volume but also reduces the nutrients that algae need as an energy source.

How does EC-504 control odor?
The microbes in EC-504 attack the cause of the pond odour, ammonia and slow decaying organic matter. By accelerating and stabilizing the natural nitrogen conversion reactions, EC-504 greatly reduces or eliminates the release of ambient ammonia. Rapid digestion of accumulated organic matter eliminates foul odour.

How does EC-504 clarify water?
EC-504 reduces the algae population and digests floating and suspended organic matter that clouds the water column.

Will EC-504 clear a pond of existing algae?
Yes, however, EC-504’s mode of action is to “starve” the algae by out-competing for a primary nutrient, nitrogen. Therefore, it is most effective when used as a preventive maintenance program, before algae commence blooming.

Is EC-504 compatible with algaecides or pesticides?
No, algaecides kill biomass and, as a result, fewer nutrients are digested and the potential for long-term algae problems increases. It is important to note that the copper used in algaecides and herbicides accumulates in bottom sludge causing an ever-increasing toxicity problem for natural microbes.

Is EC-504 an algaecide?
No, EC-504 is not an algaecide. EC-504 is designed to digest the algae’s primary growth nutrient, nitrogen. It will not kill living biomass. EC-504 will help to re-establish a healthy, balanced aquatic ecosystem. EC-504 is non-toxic, non-corrosive, and all natural and will not harm animals, plants, birds, fish or humans.

What about aeration?
EC-504 bacteria utilize dissolved oxygen in their digestive processes. Typically, this does not affect the dissolved oxygen concentration in a well-aerated pond. Aeration will reduce or prevent thermal stratification and enhance the effectiveness of EC-504, as well as benefit all aquatic life present in the pond. It is recommended that all ponds, with inadequate dissolved oxygen levels, be aerated.

Are permits or applicator’s licenses necessary?
Typically, no. EC-504 is not regulated and a permit or applicator’s license is not required.

How is EC-504 used?
EC-504 is a pond management program, not a one time, quick-fix chemical addition. As such, it requires initial preparation and continued attention in order to provide optimum results. An initial heavy dose is required to rapidly populate the pond with the necessary cultures. Seasonal golf courses require only one initiation dose, while year round courses should be done twice. The initial dose is applied at a rate of 3 lb./acre-foot of water.

What is the purpose of the maintenance dose?
EC-504 is a preventative maintenance product. Accordingly, an application every two to three weeks will ensure that biomass levels remain sufficient to handle nutrient inflows. Water outflow, irrigation, leaching and inter-species competition, with less desirable microbes, can reduce biomass. Typically, each treatment environment has a unique set of characteristics that impact microbial activity and, as a result, the time window to achieve the desire results will vary from pond to pond.


TYPICAL APPLICATION INTERVAL: Every 3 to 4 weeks for the duration of the algae season.
Note: One acre-foot = 326,000 Gallons.

How to calculate application rates.
A triple dose (three times the maintenance dose) is recommended for the first treatment and a double dose for the second treatment. Thereafter, use the maintenance dose as determined in step 3, below. For ponds that already have some algae growth or that receive heavier nutrient loads (from lawn fertilizers, farm fields, geese manure, etc.), use a double dose until the algae is eliminated then revert to maintenance dose. For small ponds and water gardens, see below.

1. Estimate the surface area of the pond in acres. (One acre is about 210 feet square or exactly 43,560 sq. ft.)

2. Estimate the average pond depth in feet. (Estimate a bit high if unsure)

3. Multiply the surface area in acres x the average depth in feet. The result is the pond volume in acre feet as well as the number of pounds of bacteria required for maintenance. (Example: 0.5 Ac. X 4’ deep = 2.0 Acre-feet (2 pounds/maintenance dose).

4. Estimate the total number of weeks in the algae growing season or the number of weeks the pond water temperature will be above 500F. (Note that algae begin growing in waters at or above this temperature and cease vigorous growth below this temperature).

5. Divide the number of weeks in the growing season by 3 and add 1 to the result. This will give you the number of seasonal treatments. (Example: 28 weeks divided by 3 = 9.3 - Add 1 for a total of 11 seasonal treatments)

6. Add 3 to the number of seasonal treatments to account for the two initial heavier doses. (Example: 11 + 3 = 14)

7. Mmultiply the number obtained in step 6 x the maintenance dose (step 3). This will give you the total number of pounds of bacteria you will need for the algae season. (Example: 14 x 2.0 = 28 pounds/season)

Note: For optimum performance water pH should be between 6.0 and 8.0. Check pH before beginning seasonal treatments and several times during the season. Adjust pH to within those limits if necessary. A pH of 7.0 is most desirable.


The following table is intended as a general guideline for treating small ponds and water gardens for algae, scum and bottom sludge control. The recommended amount depends on the historic amounts of algae and scum grown on the pond when untreated and the number of fish in the pond. Typically, manure and urine resulting from waterfowl can significantly increase loads and suggested dosing amounts should be doubled or tripled depending on the number of birds.

Generally a light accumulation of algae or scum is one that covers approximately 5 – 10% of the pond surface; a medium accumulation about 10 - 20%; a heavy accumulation about 20 – 40% and a very heavy accumulation over 40%. A light to medium accumulation will usually require a dose at or near the lower limit in each category, while a heavy or very heavy accumulation will require the dosage in each range.

Amounts of EC-504 shown below are the maintenance dosages. The first dose should be 3 times this amount; the second dose 2 times this amount. If the pond is not clear and algae free after the second dose, continue to apply the second dose amount until it is. Then use the maintenance dose to keep the pond in that condition. Ponds in areas that do not have a winter algae kill, i.e. those whose water temperature does not go be low 500F at any time of the year, should restart the dosing procedure with the 3x, 2x and maintenance dose procedure every 6 months. Ponds that are seasonal require the above sequence of doses at the beginning of each season.


 Less Than 10,000  0.5 - 1.0
 10,000 -20,000  1.0 - 2.0
 20,000 - 40,000  2.0 - 4.0
 40,000 - 75,000  4.0 - 8.0
 75,000 - 150,000  8.0 - 16.0
 150,000 - 326,000  16.0 - 20.0

 NOTE:  Typically, when chemical fertilizer is applied to areas around a pond, a surge of nitrates into the pond can be expected. This can result in new algae growth in shallow areas. When this occurs, temporarily increase the maintenance dose for one or two applications to account for this nutrient surge. Use the 2x or 3x amounts depending on the degree of new growth. To apply, simply toss the water soluble pouches directly into the water.


1 Acre = 43,560 sq. feet
1 Acre = 4,407 sq. meters
1 Acre-Foot = 43,560 cu. ft. / 325,829 gallons
1 Cubic Meter = 219.2 gallons
1 cubic ft. = 7.48 gallons

The materials used in the production of EC-504 Algae Control are derived from naturally occurring and sustainable sources. EC-504 is environmentally friendly, biodegradable and is not harmful to animals, plants and humans.

Store in a cool place away from direct sunlight. No special handling required.

Fully complies with EPA Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) and the rules, orders and regulations promulgated there under including:
a) Sections 4, 5, 6 & 7; Title 40 Chapter 1, 707.20 thru 707.75;
b) 40 CFR Sections 704.3. 710.2(e) and 720.3(c); and
c) Sections 5 and 13, reference 42FR64583
d) Does not contain marine pollutants as defined in 49 CFR 171.8. 


Product: EC-504
Product Code: 5049-02
Description: Natural Pond Cleaner - Algae Eliminator
Form: Granular




----- Original Message -----
From: Donald
To: ecochem
Sent: Monday, March 23, 2009 5:04 AM
Subject: EC 504 order // Donald

The following is my EC 504 testimonial. If you would like to use it on your site, I would be delighted.
EC 504 is the greatest! I live in south Louisiana, and have had a pond of about 2700 gallons for nine years. Our weather is very much tropical, and our summers are very hot, and wet. I have had a significant algae issues in my pond almost from the start, and have tried numerous algae remedies. EC 504 is by far the best product I have used! To make the deal even sweeter EC 504 is also the most economical product I have tried!.................. Better................Cheaper..................I LOVE EC 504.
Donald C
New Orleans, Louisiana

 (Original document is on file at EcoChem)

----- Original Message -----

From: ..........
To: EcoChem
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2008 1:58 PM
Subject: EC-504

Last year we treated 2 one acre ponds with your EC 504 and it worked so well that this year we will be treating all four of our one acre ponds.  My question is we have horses that drink out of one of these ponds.  Is there any  toxicity factor that we would need to be concerned about. 
Thank you     



 (Original document is on file at EcoChem)

----- Original Message -----

From: .......
Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2005 3:05 PM
Subject: Re: Question re: EC-504
 "My wife and I have been water gardening for over 15 years and our small pond is heavily stocked with mature Koi fish. We have used many algae control products over the years and find EC 504 is the best product by far, our pond has never looked better. It keeps string algae under control, and algae build up on the river rock lining is gone."

John & Paula ...........

Oakville Canada

 (Original document is on file at EcoChem)


 ----- Original Message -----
From: J... Brown
Tuesday, May 04, 2004 5:08 PM 
EC-504 order

Attn. Judy

The product is working great. I would like to order another 10 kg pail.
Here is my credit card information .....

Send by standard delivery method - not in a hurry this time.

Many Thanks

....  J. Brown  
....  Ave  
..... CA 92181

(Original document is on file at EcoChem)




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